Opening and Bible School

(at the end of the article there is a link to the photos)


The IDSD 2023 General Meeting began on the evening of 12/22, with a prayer for expectations performed by pastor Eugênio Junior (IDSD Colombo-PR), followed by the distribution of welcome kits, a loving gift from the entire organizing team.

Expectations began to be exceeded the following morning with the Bible school, which you can now see a summary of everything that happened:

The leader of the Bible School was brother Dário Júnior, from IDSD in São José do Rio Preto/SP and there was an exposition of the Word by Pastor Samuel Marques, who presented the families present at the event with a copy of the book George Müller.


Initially, the difference between centralized and decentralized administration systems was defined.

The pastor highlighted the fact that we experienced the best and worst of centralization in the first forty years of the Seventh-day Church of God in Brazil and that we are now making a return to our origin and identity as a church by restoring ties with the Council Meridian General, in the United States.


Pastor Samuel Marques qualified as a licensed minister by the General Council of the USA and has worked together with those brothers to create partnerships in the areas of literature, missions and administrative experience.


In terms of literature, the General Council has provided support in translation projects and made materials available such as the recently launched lesson book in Portuguese with the title: “Mission and Work of the Church”.


In the area of missions, a partnership is underway with The Bucket Ministry to work in areas lacking basic sanitation, delivering water purifiers and preaching the Word to beneficiaries.


In the administrative area, we have mirrored in Brazil the model of cooperation between autonomous churches that share the same doctrinal basis. Being aligned with the principles of faith, these churches cooperate with each other through projects and institutions, such as the Casa Publicadora, and hold annual get-togethers.


The General Meeting will always be marked by friendly meetings, without politics, without votes to define administrative or doctrinal matters. The meetings will be dedicated to the edification of believers with activities, lectures and sermons aimed at affirming the principles of faith that are already known and defended by everyone, such as keeping the commandments, salvation by grace, the kingdom on earth, the Sabbath and the baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The pastor told the story of the translation of the Systematic Theology book, the years of work, prayer and fundraising campaign, the project collaborators, victories and difficulties encountered along the way to publishing the book in Portuguese; and announced the launch of the Publishing House's new translation project, now dedicated to the translation of the work “Primitive Christianity in Crisis”, by Alan Knight.


Also highlighted was the work of the Digital COG, which has offered various integration tools to brothers who live far from a local church, the main ones being: the Church app for cell phones; the prayer group “Pray Without Ceasing” and live broadcasts from the Bible School and services from local churches participating in the project.


To conclude, Pastor Samuel presented the text of Genesis 45:8 where Joseph, son of Jacob, defines his trip to Egypt as the work of God and not the evil of his brothers. This conclusion demonstrates that Joseph was more interested in his own relationship with God than in the people or situations of injustice that were committed against him.


Likewise, we should not waste time on internal discussions that will not bring glory to our God nor be able to lead the lost to the path of salvation, but rather focus on the work and future results of the Seventh-day Church of God in Brazil.

Link to photos from the opening of the Meeting and Bible school:



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