A lot of emotion 

The 2023 General Meeting was full of emotions, and one of the very emotional moments took place on the afternoon of 12/24, when three young people were baptized: Samuel, Evelyn and Damaris.

The couple Samuel and Evelyn (Almirante Tamandare-PR), are the fruits of IDSD Digital, a project to disseminate the gospel and communion through digital media.

The couple lived in Foz do Iguaçu – PR, where there is no congregation of the Seventh-day Church of God. But this was not an obstacle for them to seek God and learn from his word. On Saturdays they attended Bible Schools and online services broadcast by the IDSD Colombo congregation via YouTube and app. On Mondays, they took the “Biblical Doctrines” course with pastor Eugênio Junior, via video call. Time passed and the Lord worked in their lives until the moment they decided to surrender their lives to Him through baptism.

Young Damaris is from Criciúma–SC, granddaughter of Pastor Artimimo and daughter of Pastor Ismael. The fact of being the granddaughter and daughter of pastors is not a guarantee of salvation and that is why the girl who grew up in the Church, learned about the Kingdom of God and praises the Eternal with her voice, decided on baptism, making her public commitment of faith to with God, through Jesus Christ.

Baptism is the moment when all repentant sinners have their sins forgiven, become part of God's family and have their names inscribed in the “Lamb's Book of Life”. This alone justifies why the moment was full of emotions.

Brother Eron (Colombo-PR) was the leader of the ceremony, which included the participation of the IDSD Colombo praise group, pastors Eugênio (Colombo-PR), Artimimo (Criciúma-SC) and Ismael (Arroio do Silva-SC ) who were the ministers of the baptisms, with the company of the entire brotherhood present at the General Meeting.

At the evening service, the three young people were welcomed as members of their local congregations, by the brothers and their respective pastors.

We are immensely grateful to God for providing us with such an exciting moment: we saw the birth of three new children of God!

Live or relive this moment by checking out the video and photos by clicking on the links below.




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