Checking one of the previous posts, I see that I wrote on February 10, 2021:

"I will apply my energy and faith for years to come:

1) The local church of São José do Rio Preto;

2) The publication of the Systematic Theology book (April 2021) and then the creation of the Publishing House;

3) Completion of my Masters (June 2021)

And this is actually what I did:

1. By the grace of our God, the book on Systematic Theology was successfully published.

It took three years working on the translation, revision, indexes and publication. We launched a fundraising campaign and had the support of ten local churches. We hired one of the best Christian book publishers who came up with a modern graphic design and printed 300 copies of the book.

At this moment 197 copies have already been distributed.

Along with the launch of the book, we held the first class of the online course in Systematic Theology with 8 classes, with an introduction and a class for each part of the book. The classes were given on Sunday mornings through the StreamYard platform and then the students took a test of the content of each class through Google Forms. Those who passed received a certificate at the end of the course.

In 2023 we will make the second group.

2. With a year delay due to the pandemic, my wife and I completed our master's course in 2022. I was already teaching at the Faculty of Law and she should soon start as a professor at the Faculty of Nursing. The course required a lot of our time and had to be completed so that we could devote more attention to the work of the Church.

Now it's over      \o/

God be praised

3. As for the local church of São José do Rio Preto, we are preparing to be the first church of God in Brazil to work in digital format.

We created a new website ( and a new mobile application that provides exclusive content for Church members and supporters at no cost.

The application was launched this week, January 4th, together with the preparation campaign for the Holy Supper called "90 days with Jesus". It includes several activities that end on April 4th, the date of the Holy Supper this year.

In just one week of disclosure, we have already almost doubled the number of users of the App, which was 64 people and increased to 126 today.

We are optimistic about this new tool and hope it will be a blessing for the people of God in our country and other Portuguese-speaking countries like Mozambique, where we already have a pastor from the Church of God using the App we created in Brazil.

I ask for your prayers in favor of the Church of God in Brazil. We need divine grace to unite local churches around projects that edify believers and reach the lost.

Thanks for following this blog. 

God bless your life


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